Friday, March 20, 2009

Exhaustion... Something's gotta give!

So I have finally reached it, the point of complete exhaustion. I am doing way, way too much. This 7 day work week is getting to me and it seems like I have nothing to show for it at all. I have slept through my alarm 3 times this week! I went to bed at 9:30 on Monday night and still slept through the alarm and didn't wake up until after 8 on Tuesday.... ugh I need a vacation. Then on top of it I do stupid crap like this week and agree to work extra... so stupid! I worked 29 hours the last two days and I am at work right now... someone called and asked me to work for them tonight, I felt bad saying no as she is sick and the only thing I have going is softball but seriously that would be 45 hours in 3 days!!! No, not gonna do it, not gonna feel guilty!

Somethings gotta give! If I don't change things, and soon, I am going to have a complete meltdown! Or just sleep for a week, which sounds splendid right now... ah sleep :D Really, I am too smart and educated to be sitting at this desk making what little money I do, and way too smart to be waiting tables or even bartending for that matter. I think I have finally reached my point... do whatever it takes to get out of this situation!

I am not a big fan of ASU, I won't hide that... they only care about money, cramming as many students as possible into that school, leaving no classes left to take anyway, don't give you credit for the classes you've taken elsewhere for fear that they can't gorge you for every penny they can... But they are all that is around here. I have seriously thought about taking classes at U of A because it is only an hour and a half away and I might have a fighting chance there! I have given in... ASU here I come, get ready... I have already been accepted after all... and my Grandpa worked there for so many years... so I have asked Grandpa to help me figure it out so that I might be able to complete at least my bachelors and then I can make decisions from there. We will see if he is even willing to help out and what he can even do. Every possible program out there requires a bachelors as a minimum so its a good place to start. I am so close anyways. Dang, why did I leave Alaska? I would have been done for awhile already... ugh... stupid again! When will I learn to think about myself first!? Never over the kids, but over others who don't give one crap about me...

No regrets... right!? Everything happens for a reason and God has a plan... of that I am sure... but I am ready for that plan to materialize already!


Jim The String Player said...

Love the blog. Honest. I can't even begin to imagine how challenging it is right now. Pretty lame of me but...hang in there.

Melisa said...

That just sounds exhausting! Not to mention being a single parent to 3 kids! I don't know how you do it.

What will you get your bachelor's in? Sounds exciting!